Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
Less than 1 in 15 Texans suffering from depression each year receive sufficient care to recover. Tragically, nearly 4,000 people in the state die each year from suicide.
Recognizing that people with mental illness can live productive and successful lives with the necessary treatment and support, Lyda Hill Philanthropies joined The Meadows Foundation by seeding Meadows Mental Policy Institute (“Meadows Institute”) with a grant to formally launch in 2014, additional growth capital in 2018, and the $10 million Lone Star Prize in 2021. The Meadows Institute brings together diverse mental health resources and services to identify and affect the policies, practices, and recommendations that impact how health care is implemented.
Due to the Meadows Institute’s engagement with the Texas legislature, in 2017, Texas decided to increase overall spending on mental health by over $1.2 billion – a billion over the level spent prior to the Meadows Institute’s engagement. More importantly, this work led to the state enacting its first ever Statewide Behavioral Health Strategic Plan, which created strategic priorities across 19 state agencies and added more than $3 billion in additional biennial behavioral health spending. In 2022, the Meadows Institute announced its Lone Star Depression Challenge to reduce barriers for all Texans with depression, detect their needs earlier, and care for them more effectively through community-based care.
Impact Factors
- Catalytic
- Evidence-based
- Enabling Public Investment
- Others Can’t or Won’t
Learn more about Meadows Metal Health Policy Institute